Friday Links!

The Octopus That Almost Ate Seattle.

What year is it? KKK Battles With Town Over Renaming School Named For Klan Founder (Our local alt-weekly paper headlined it’s covered of this story, “If the KKK Doesn’t Want You to Change the Name of Your School, You Should Probably Change the Name of Your School” my thought is, if someone thinks refering to people uncomfortable with the name as “many bestial blacks and other criminal elements out for revenge” should seal the deal)

The creator of Calvin & Hobbes: Mental Floss Exclusive Interview with Bill Watterson.

This, Right Here, Is The Problem. “…this is why women are routinely mocked by sexist, skeezy shits who think that finding us attractive must necessarily invalidate whatever point we’re making…”

The Marriage Equality Movement Could Change Dramatically In The Next Two Weeks.

What we Teach Men.

Houston Chronicle Expresses Regrets For Endorsing Cruz.

Morning Radio Host Interviews Psychic and Puts Him to Shame.

The religious right is a fraud: Nothing Christian about Michele Bachmann’s values.

Rachel Maddow sums up the government shut down fight’s accomplishments (click here if the video isn’t embedding properly):

And sometimes you need a band and a bus to propose marriage:

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